

Før du kan delta i dette spillet, må du ha registrert deg hos Zweeler Ltd. Når du har registrert deg for ett spill, kan du spille alle!!

Etter registrering kan du begynne å danne ditt lag/dine lag. Lagene kan bli sendt inn og endret inntil begynnelsen på spillet lørdag 11 juni 2016 14:37.

  1. The deposited amount to get the ticket cannot be refunded. If you refund the deposited amount before the total amount has been used, you need to pay an administration fee of 25 euro per ticket!
  2. This is a one-time offer and only valid from 26-05-2016 till 11-06- 2016.
  3. This deposit bonus offer can only be used once! It is not possible to deposit a second time in the time frame mentioned and receive again a ticket.
  4. The full deposited amount needs to be used to play. If not, you need to pay an administration fee of 25 euro per ticket!
  5. You can only play this game by getting a FREE ticket via a deposit.
  6. If you deposit 50 euro you will receive 1 ticket for the FREE Fantasy Tour de Suisse Deposit Bonus Game with a prize pool of 1,500 Euro and a first prize of 300 euro!
  7. If you deposit 100 euro you will receive 2 tickets for a FREE Fantasy Tour de Suisse Deposit Bonus Game with a prize pool of 1,500 Euro and a first prize of 300 euro!
  8. If you deposit 150 euro you will receive 3 tickets for a FREE Fantasy Tour de Suisse Deposit Bonus Game with a prize pool of 1,500 Euro and a first prize of 300 euro!
  9. You can get a maximum of 3 tickets!
  10. You can only deposit once more then 50 euro to get a ticket. It is not possible to deposit 50 euro now and next week another 50 euro.
  11. The deposited amount must be at least 50 euro.
  12. With deposits below the 50 euro, you will not receive a ticket.
  13. You will not receive a ticket if you deposit twice 25 euro, or 5 times 10 euro. If you deposit 60 euro, you will get 1 ticket. It is not possible to deposit another 40 euro to get a 2nd ticket. Only a one-time deposit of at least 50 euro 100 euro or 150 euro will grant you a ticket!
  14. You cannot play the Fantasy Tour de Suisse Deposit Bonus Game without a 'Deposit Bonus Ticket'.
  15. On the deposit page it will be shown if you are eligible still for a ticket, or that you received one already.
  16. There is a counter on my account/my bonus which shows how many of your deposited amount is used and how many you need to play before you can refund without an administration fee.
  17. Any winnings can always be refunded, as long as the amount is higher than the refund limit of 20 euro.
  18. If you are a new player and you deposit 50 euro, or more as a first time deposit, you will receive the Deposit Bonus and your 1 st deposit bonus!

Du kan tjene poeng med ditt eget lag, basert på etapperesultatene. Når en av dine syklister fullfører på 9. plass vil ditt lag motta 12 poeng. Når en annen syklist kommer på 3. plass vil laget ditt motta 25 poeng ekstra, osv.

I tillegg fyll inn følgende forutsigelser:

  • Vinner Tour de Suisse (Deposit)
  • Vinner poengklassifisering
Det er ikke tillatt å opprette mer enn 3 lag for dette spillet.


Ekstra forutsigelsePoeng
Vinner Tour de Suisse (Deposit)15
Vinner poengklassifisering10

Følgende gevinster kan vinnes i spillet:

  • De beste lagene i generell klassifisering.

Når lagene har et like antall poeng vil samlede gevinster bli lagt sammen og delt mellom antall vinnere!! Vi vil gi et par eksemper for å forhindre diskusjon:

  • 1 Marco and Tom 25 poeng
  • 3 Martin 15 poeng

Marco og Tom deler 1. og 2. gevinst sammen, og Martin vil motta 3. gevinst.

  • 1 Simon 25 poeng
  • 2 Servee, Eddy, Michel, Bram 20 poeng
  • 6 Peter 18 poeng

Simon mottar 1. gevinst og Servee, Eddy, Michel og Bram deler 2. og 3. gevinst!! Og Peter taper!!

Gevinstene vil bli lagt til din konto når sluttresultatene blir offentliggjort.


The costs per team are $0.00.

There are different ways to deposit money on your account to pay your team(s). You can use our payment providers like Ideal, Direct Banking, bank transfer or Credit Card. Please make sure you have enough money to pay your teams, because your team can not participate if it is not paid when the game starts.

If you pay through Credit card, Ideal or Direct banking you are account will be credited within a few minutes. With a bank transfer this could take 4 to 5 days and sometimes even longer. If you use a bank transfer please be on time, this will make sure you won’t be disappointed.

Should there be any discrepancy between the game rules in the English language version and the version in any other language, the English version will supersede.

If something is not clear, please send us an email on the following address: info@zweeler.com